Houseplant Graveyard

The Waters' house is a place where plants come to die. No seriously. I DO NOT have a green thumb. I try so hard and want it to work out so bad, but I have realized that there is no hope for me. 

This was a very sad realization because I see all of these pretty rooms on Pinterest that really come together with these beautiful house plants and it hurts me a little inside to know that I could maybe keep those plants alive for like 2 weeks tops. Pitiful. I know. 

So in honor of national houseplant day (yeah they have days for everything now), I decided to post about the plants that I can/have kept alive so far. :) Oh you are in for a real treat!


1. Cacti number one. But don't feel to proud of me because it says right on the packaging, "can survive drought." Ha! So I am pretty sure literally anyone could keep them alive.


2. Cacti number two.


3. IKEA plants :) Ha! These are the best houseplants in my opinion. They need no special treatment or attention and yet, they are always looking good. 

Have any ideas on other houseplants that I can't kill? Let me know in the comments. I would love to give it a try. xoxo, Britt