From T-Shirt To Toy

Does your kiddo have a bunch of outgrow character t-shirts? Well now you can recycle them into a new toy! No need to throw the old t-shirt out when you can save money and not buy new toys but make them! 

All you need is:

  • an old t-shirt with a character on it
  • scissors
  • sharpie
  • sewing machine
  • needle
  • thread
  • pillow stuffing
T-shirt Stuffed Animals. Click for instructions.

1. Draw an outline around your character with your sharpie. Be very careful when doing this, and if you think you may mess up then use a pencil first. Also make sure your line is not right next to the character for when you sew it together.

T-shirt Stuffed Animals. Click for instructions.

2. Cut around the inside of the black sharpie line, try not to leave any black showing.

T-shirt Stuffed Animals. Click for instructions.

3. Take your cut out piece and trace it onto the back part of the t-shirt. Cut it out exactly like you did the original character. The pieces should match up.

T-shirt Stuffed Animals. Click for instructions.

4. Pin your two fabric pieces together with the parts you want on the outside facing each other. Sew all around your character with your sewing machine (or if you don't have one you can sew by hand). Leave 3-5 inches on part of your character open to add the stuffing. When finished sewing, flip your fabric back so the character is now right side out.

T-shirt Stuffed Animals. Click for instructions.
T-shirt Stuffed Animals. Click for instructions.

5. Then add as much, or as little, stuffing as you'd like.

T-shirt Stuffed Animals. Click for instructions.

6. Then just stitch up the gap you left open to put the stuffing in, and tie the end. 

T-shirt Stuffed Animals. Click for instructions.

These are pretty simple to make and are a great idea. These are especially fantastic when one of your kiddos have a favorite t-shirt and they outgrow it. Instead of having to just give it away you can make it their new favorite toy! Noah sure did love his new monster!

T-shirt Stuffed Animals. Click for instructions.


Britt + Sky