Big Brother Status

Last week I shared what I had packed for Sophie and I for our hospital stay. So I thought that I should share Noah's big brother bag with you.


A few weeks ago, I got it in my head that Noah really needed a backpack. Like a tiny toddler backpack that he could carry his hospital snack and things around in. Just thinking about a mini human walking around with a tiny backpack on makes me smile. Admit it you just smiled thinking about it :) It took me HOURS to find a cute back that was little enough and didn't cost a fortune. I stumbled upon this cute backpack here.


I decided to get Noah a few of his favorite snacks to fill his bag and also a cute little book that I found about being a big brother. I didn't want to go overboard, but I do want him to feel special with his big brother gift. I think he is going to love it.

I let him just carry the bag around when it first arrived at the house and this is what happened. I think it's safe to say that he likes having a backpack. :)


So now are bags are all ready. Now we wait. :) x0, Britt