My Busy Boy: Spaghetti Activity

Noah is a busy little guy. He is constantly moving (and getting into everything). I have been trying to come up with activities that can keep him busy and that really help him learn or work on his hand-eye coordination.  

He was "helping" me cook spaghetti the other night and I decided that I needed something for him to do while I finished up dinner. I had a shaker that I recently picked up at the thrift store. I took the shaker and placed a few raw spaghetti noodles in the holes. I also placed a few noodles next to the shaker on the tray of his highchair. I basically just let Noah figure it out on his own. He just started by pulling one of the noodles out and then putting it back in. This kept him busy for about 15 minutes. Plenty of time for me to finish up dinner.

Noah has pretty great hand-eye coordination for his age and he is very motivated to do activities as long as I cheer him on as he does well. So there was a lot of clapping involved :) See Noah's video on instagram.


I love that I have found fun and easy activities for Noah to help him learn and give me a little time to get something done. I also found out the boy loves to eat raw noodles :) Happy Tuesday lovelies!  xo, Britt + Noah