Inspiration Week

Yesterday we had a family day. We went to the orchard, took a cruise through the country, relaxed, made chili, and played games. We realized that days like yesterday were special. Some days, especially during the holidays, we get too busy to just take a second to relax and enjoy each others company. Since the holiday season is upon us, we wanted to take a week to give everyone the chance to take a step back before the craziness of the holidays fully sets in.

We have deemed this week "Inspiration Week." Each day we will have a new post of something you can make or do that will help you make it through the tough, crazy times. As the holiday shopping, traveling, and all around craziness begins, we often get caught up in everything. This weeks diy's, posts, and printables will give you reminders to relax, stay calm, and that everything will be and is okay! We hope everyone can take something away from this weeks uplifting posts and diys. And as the holidays begin, remember to enjoy family and not get too caught up in the craziness.

Fall inspiration. (click throught to learn more)
Fall inspiration. (click throught to learn more)
Fall inspiration. (click throught to learn more)
Fall inspiration. (click throught to learn more)
Fall inspiration. (click throught to learn more)
Fall inspiration. (click throught to learn more)
Fall inspiration. (click throught to learn more)
Fall inspiration. (click throught to learn more)
Fall inspiration. (click throught to learn more)
Fall inspiration. (click throught to learn more)


Britt + Sky